Monday, May 11, 2015

The Dreadful Midterms

This week is midterms week and my excitement level for how I feel about that is pretty much nonexistent. As a graduating senior, I find myself counting the days left that I have until freedom as opposed to counting the number of pages I need to study from. As I try to sit still and study I find myself often taking “breaks” way too often. Where is my mind wandering to instead of focusing on the history of the Internet? Let me show you…

Buzzfeed – the black hole of the Internet. You see a funny link on your Facebook timeline then the next thing you know its two days later and you cant feel your fingers from all the scrolling through the endless lists. One that I came across this time around was this: 17 Ways To AvoidStudying For Midterms – very fitting for this midterm week.

YouTube – as someone who cant sit in total silence for too long, I often have to find some sort of playlist or song to help play me through the agonizing memorization and studying. One of my favorites for this week is some good ol’ Steppenwolf – MagicCarpet Ride. Can’t go wrong with the oldies…and of course some of The Office blooper reels to help cheer me up in this dark time of the term.

Internet Movie Database – one of my main interests is film. I'm always down for a movie no matter what genre it fits in. Not only am I interested in the acting side of film but also the production side. One of my dream jobs would be to be a director or possibly an animator, mainly because of my overall interest in art and producing enjoyment for others. So, what better website to spend my time on than IMDB. Its filled with current events for movie productions, new casting announcements plus a vast amount of information like fun facts, budgets, goofs and various other details. If you haven’t discovered this amazing site, check it out here!

Although these may not be the best way to spend my time during midterms, I don’t see the issue in taking an occasional 5 minute break every now and then during studying…who knows, maybe one of my midterms might ask about what the budget was for James Cameron’s Avatar!

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