Friday, May 29, 2015


Throughout the course we have been discussing various social media outlets. In previous blog posts I have motioned how I am a frequent user of YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms have buildt up reputations over the years as they continue to grow and evolve; however using these platforms while at work has been considered taboo. More traditional businesses normally frown down on their employees using social media while working, however there are many business that are starting to thrive on social media.

When I was taking this into consideration with my job, I reflected on how I fall under the category of the traditional business atmosphere. Funny enough though, the people I work – a team of 10 individuals – all fall under 40 years of age and all of us are very familiar with social media outlets. We tried to find a professional platform that we would all easily be able to communicate, share files and connect all on one application. Being that three of us, myself included, work in the Chicago land region and the other work out of Battle Creek, MI we needed to find a platform where we could all easily communicate at the convenience of our phones.

This is when we found Slack.

Slack was just the program we were looking for. It is accessible on all devices, it is able to connect all 10 of us on one platform and it is a professional app that was used across various fortune 500 companies – so it was definitely viewed as a professional.

Slack works like your basic messaging app, however you are able to make specific groups to talk privately between a few other teammates, you are able to ‘@’ people directly to address who you are talking to, and you can easily make calls and video chats will other teammates right from the convenience of the app.

Not only that but we are able to share files quickly to one another – even the occasional meme or gif makes it way into our newsfeed. It is the perfect mix of social media capabilities as well as a professional platform for us to connect on.

If you find yourself looking for a similar app for your work, I strongly suggest checking out Slack. Take a glance at all Slack has to offer here!

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