Monday, April 13, 2015

Conversing on Convergence

When I think back to middle school I remember how cell phones were just becoming a big thing to have. There were the select few within my grade that had cells phones while the rest of us were stuck with our landlines. It’s funny to think how those who had cell phones were simply using them to text and call with the occasional use of the tiny camera or calculator functionality.

Now – you can simultaneously send a tweet, buy a book, make a dinner reservation and a vast amount of other tasks all from one device that fits in your pocket.

But where does it stop?

The capabilities that our phones hold has some people so centered on their device that they couldn’t imagine life without it. Due to this convergence and collection of capabilities it is difficult not to become so attached.

But there is a positive side to this mass convergence – it gives people a voice.

A company or organization can have a Facebook and Twitter page, an Instagram account, a LinkedIn and even a YouTube channel. They can post coupons, promotional material, contests and a various other marketing opportunities. But it doesn’t stop there. Having these platforms allows consumers to directly connect with said company or organization.

People love giving their two cents and having the capability to reach out on all of these platforms from our smart phones gives the perfect opportunity to do so. What’s great about this is that some of these companies and organizations are starting to listen. A consumer can leave a comment asking a question or reporting an issue and the company can reach out providing troubleshooting and other assistance.

Personally, I think the advanced convergence that is occurring within technology and our smart phones among other various platforms is a good thing and can lead to a lot of possibilities. 

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